Social media has become an important part of modern life.

Social media has effects on almost everyone's live.

It is true that social media has benefited people a lot,

With the help of social media we can keep in touch with any member of our family who is away, or with our friends.

But these social media have contributed to the destruction of many lives and many families,

And we get the details of those incidents in various news media and on the internet.

Yes, there are some good aspects of social media, but there are also some bad aspects, and these bad aspects can destroy our lives and our future.

A large number of people in the world today are associated with social media. People use social media for an average of at least 2 hours every day, however it is Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram or any other social media.

We need to see how these social media affect our real life.

Of course, there are good aspects to this, but there are still many bad aspects that we need to protect ourselves from.

Facebook, Instagram or other social media have taught us that we are not ordinary people, We don't just share our pictures on social media, we want people to like, comment and follow us. When we upload a picture, we repeatedly check how many likes we get or how many comments we get.

Social media opens the way to hidden sins in our lives. Many people use them for many bad things. Different kinds of pictures and different kinds of videos come before our eyes through them, and they are able to lead us to the path of sin.

Let us, the believers, be aware of each other and make each other aware, because,

Ephesians chapter 5 verse 13 says -

"But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light." (KJV)

     Social media steals time from our lives, and time is a precious gift from God. Every second of our lives is important, and social media is taking that time away from our lives. There are a lot of social media these days where we upload our videos by acting, we want people to watch, like and share those videos, and behind these we spend more time more than preaching the gospel.

We need to be very careful, because Satan has made them his weapon to keep us busy, and we fail to establish a deep relationship with God.

Ephesians chapter 5 verse 15 to 16 says - 

"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." (NIV)

     So let us not walk in ignorance, but learn to use every opportunity God has given us.

Believers in Christ, ask yourself, how deep are we immersed in social media all day long, but how deep are we immersed in the word of God in whose grace and mercy we live ?

If someone makes a good comment on our picture, we thank him, but do we always thank God for keeping us healthy and well ?

Which is in the first place in our life ?

Social media, or God ?

     As Christians, we need to ask ourselves, before each step of our lives, whether God is being glorified by what we do ? 

The people of the world can use social media for many reasons, but as Christians we can use them for the glory of God.

We may not be able to go directly to all people and preach the gospel, but we can reach those people through these social media.

So my dear friends, let us use social media to spread the good news. But in order to spread the gospel directly to the people we can easily reach, we need to keep in mind that social media is not the only means of spreading the gospel.

Friends, time is not stopping, how ready are you to fulfill the responsibility that God has given you ? Ask yourself that question.

You decide, put social media first, or God!



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